


What do you think of when you picture a table? I see people talking, passing food, multiple conversations happening at once, someone giving thanks for God’s provision, unwritten…

Meet Generation Z Featured Image

The largest generation in American history are now coming onto the scene in a marvelous way. I should know, I have two of them living under my roof.…

Teach Others

I began the Elements blog series by referencing the day my dad called me into the drivers seat of a baby-blue Chevy Silverado pickup truck, at the age of…

Give Generously

What is the most generous act you’ve ever experienced?  Take a minute to recall and remember as many moments as possible that generosity was demonstrated towards you. Write…

Pray Daily

Early African believers were earnest and regular in private devotions. Each one reportedly had a separate spot in the thicket where he would pour out his heart to…