On March 11, 2017, we were honored to host Alan Platt of Doxa Deo ministries as our guest speaker for the MULTIPLIERS Lima conference. The conference theme was “Complete In Christ,” and our prayer was that each and every person in attendance could begin to live from a deep understanding of this truth. We firmly believe that those who understand the profound words of Jesus on the cross, “It is finished!” will be motivated to be multipliers in their sphere of influence.
Other speakers on this day included Pastors Dennis Arevalo of Iglesia Centro de Fuego speaking about Emotional Fuel, and Laura Farro of Iglesia En Su Espiritu speaking about Identifying Your Vision and Staying Focused. More than 10 churches were represented among the 80 attendees. It was a wonderful time. Pray that the leaders and emerging leaders who attended will be motivated to multiply their influence for the Kingdom!
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