The largest generation in American history are now coming onto the scene in a marvelous way. I should know, I have two of them living under my roof. As we open the door to a new chapter and new characters in the story of the world, I believe Gen Z can be among the greatest. However, I believe that many of them feel a sense of aloneness. They sense they are on their own and are ill-equipped to handle the pressures and challenges coming at them at lighting speed.
James Emery White puts it into perspective in his insightful book called “Meet Generation Z.” He says: “As members of Generation Z (those under the age of 25) develop their personalities and life skills in a socioeconomic environment marked by chaos, uncertainty, volatility and complexity, it is no surprise that blockbusters like The Hunger Games and Divergent, with their depictions of teens left alone to face a dystopian future, connect with them. Simply put, they are deeply worried about the present.”
I love this generation so much and believe they are an underdog generation like Katness Everdeen, Rey from Star Wars, or even Emmet “the chosen one” from the Lego Movie. I believe they are destined for greatness and will rise up to take their place through this season of testing. On the back of terrorism, trafficking, and the isolation caused through over-connectivity, they may very well become the greatest generation of the 21st century. I am compelled to search for ways to get underneath the 20% or more of the US population and help do the heavy lifting. Jesus described those in his generation with eerily similar characteristics. They are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Therein lies the greatest problem and the greatest opportunity.
Defend and Develop. That’s what they are hoping we will do for them. That’s what they need. What do you think about the emerging Generation?
1. White, James Emery. Meet Generation Z: Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian World. Ada: Baker Books. 2017. Print.
2. Photo by Mikaala Shackelford on Unsplash
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