Marked: The Images of a Disciple is a 9-part video series on discipleship. This is the third of those 9 videos.
Marked: The Images of a Disciple is a 9-part video series on discipleship. This is the second of those 9 videos.
Marked: The Images of a Disciple is a 9-part video series on discipleship. This is the first of those 9 videos.
The Power of the Question: The power of a question is timeless yet often underrated. Rabbis in the Jewish culture used questions to reveal obvious conclusions and sometimes not so…
Let me ask you a question. When’s the last time someone or something poked you in the eye? There’s nothing quite like having someone’s fat finger or protruding headpiece swing…
“Faithfully to fill the present is your only security for the future.” ~ Andrew Murray How many days are we capable of living at once? I know it’s…
I love thinking. But many times, I’m challenged by God’s presence to “think again.” Why is thinking so important to God? Almost everything that finds its way into…
LEAN. Since I’ve been old enough to walk my family has taken summer vacations to Silver Dollar City. Every time we maneuver through the Ozark mountains and arrive…
The chaos of our enemy cannot prevail against the counsel of our God. Since the scripture states that the “word of the Lord stands forever” eventually the chaos…